Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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Blah Blah -Obelisk War Part One-

by highwind20

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Are You All You Can Be?
After years of playing Neopets can you honestly say you're an active and experienced neoplayer? Dare yourself to become neogreat!

by kissamus


We All Fall Down: Part Six
"I... remember..." I murmured, remembering my past. "I've... met her..."

by ellbot1998


Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes (Turn and face the pail)*
Just when I thought my days of being my daft owner's freakish test subject were over, carrotopian has given in to her creepy fascination for any edible and drinkable Neopian items that can cause some unexpected changes to yours truly.

by carrotopian


Salt Water and Soy Biscuits
Some of them haven't even seen the ocean.

You're not sure how anything in their world can be okay.

by cc_coffman98

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