Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 190,988,565 Issue: 587 | 22nd day of Running, Y15
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Baby Kacheek's Big Problem

by jennyliu465

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Mystery Sickness
Diseases can be the most awful thing, can't they?

by flames_unleashed


There Are No How-To Books for Aspiring Ninjas: Part One
Orion looked at himself in the mirror. Big green eyes, fluffy tail, adorable green stripe, yes, he was cute. They were fine with that. But he wasn't satisfied with cute. He wanted more than that in life.

by serissa98


Chronicles of a Scuffed-Up Battledome Pet
Tips and lessons learned from our first war.

by shusu_chan


Adoption: Pound Chat Version
Here is a quick guide for anyone hoping to adopt a pet or just trying to familiarize themselves with the PC.

by cheriipie

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