Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 190,290,944 Issue: 572 | 30th day of Storing, Y14
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The Little Immortals: Adventure to Happy Valley

by actinia

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Temptation: Part Three
It was Monday morning and Kayli was catching up on some much needed sleep in her Magic History class.

by april_pumpkin


Cinnamon and Vinegar: Part Nine
"If I can't have power or at least freedom, I'll have revenge!" Amadeus screamed...

by ellbot1998


Lessons and Life
Ms. Elson could not have smiled brighter, Leroy thought. It sure didn't take a lot to cheer her up; all she really wanted was some company once in a while.

by allison_kitty11


4 - Dinner Disaster
T.H. is good at his job... except when he's not.

by supercheezee

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