A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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The Ginger Sidekick Club

by usulblue444

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The Game of Master Hog: Part Twelve
'Admirable, but pointless. Judge Hog, no matter how much you try, you will not defeat me.'

by d_morton


Diary of a Mad Usuki Collector
So it was my birthday today, and my anger management coach said that I was making great strides. As a gift, he gave me this diary...

by dr_tomoe


Hidden Wonder: More Time
Games are so hard...

by seraphicbrie


Chronicles of the Chosen: Taking Flight - Part Three
"Me? Nervous? Never!" I tried my hardest to keep my voice even, but still it cracked when I spoke. Obviously, this was caused by the depleting oxygen in the hallway. NOT nervousness.

by pretsel_is_back

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