For an easier life Circulation: 189,696,820 Issue: 558 | 17th day of Hiding, Y14
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by halloween_luck

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A Faerie Tale: Part Two
"Why are you watching Carvar's ship?" she demanded.

"Carvar? Is that whose boat that is?"

Viggo's tone was far too innocent.

by lastavenger


Usuki Singing Stars #12: No Place Like Home
"Do we even know her REAL name? And what if she's some idiotic glitter lover who doesn't mind salsa dancing in ugly pants? THEN what will we do?"

by downrightdude


Cheesy Thrill Seeking
Cheese rolls too slow on the gentle slopes of Meridell.

by frost_faerie


Funny Closet?
I'm thinking something about Royal Girl Ixi Hat ...

by chak_chak

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