The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 189,520,066 Issue: 555 | 27th day of Swimming, Y14
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Basic Gift Box #2

by __falloutgirl__

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Juggling Life: Part Two
I think I could sleep for a year! Seriously, we had over a hundred customers in yesterday. It turns out Juppie Gardens is closed for redecorating, for a week. They seem to redecorate, every five minutes. They're still always tacky, though.

by marmitejar


Site Spotlight Spotlight
For those of you who have joined Neopia since the hiatus of the Site Spotlight, a brief overview of what it really is.

Also by moocowalex

by justlilly


Prices Aren't The Only Thing Going Down
In the Lost Desert...

by schnauzerzrcool


The Almost Pound Escape... Or Something Like That: Part Three
"She's not my sister," I said defiantly. "That Xweetok is the only reason I'm here."

by supergirl1057

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