Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Ventures #17

by neo_coaster363

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Not a Good Combination

by swisscat


Why The South Pole Should Be Neopia's Next Land
Even the oldest of maps showed that at the south-most point of Neopia is a land of ice. Yet no explorer has journeyed to see what is hidden in this frigid world.

by a_greenparrot


DoTS: Part 1 of The Phantom of Neopian Times 2/4
They sent someone!

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Caylis's Necklace: Part Six
Reisna's maniacal laughter echoed from the throne room to the rooms nearby. It was clear to the palace guards that the Drenched had captured the king, but none of them dared try to stop them...

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