teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 189,237,064 Issue: 547 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y14
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Basic Gift Box #1

by __falloutgirl__

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Great stories!


Mymorowen: Adventures in the Ice Caves
Yes, even reputable Neopians steal from poor Snowy! :(

by athanasiusagrona


Seems Legit.

by shamaela


The Jelly Fiend Strikes Again!
For the fifth time this month, the mysterious masked villain known only as "The Jelly Fiend" has wrecked havoc upon our calm city.

by drama_freak4


Darkness Comes (Faerieland Falls)
The Faerieland Guards had been rounding a lot of people up; young and old, local and tourist alike would be found by the blank faced faeries and herded into the high, tower-like dungeons...

by karen_mckenzie

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