Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 189,155,419 Issue: 549 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 5

by supercheezee

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Neopian Quiz - Hidden Words
This time you are looking for a Neopian word or name hidden within an ordinary phrase.

by daughters_ofthe_moon


The Three Types of Sketch Kyriis
We all know one...

by neo111186


The Eternal Paint Brushes: Part Two
Out here, deep inside the thickets of the Haunted Woods, he wasn't King Altador any longer.

He was the Hunter.

by rider_galbatorix


Up for Trade
"I'm nothing but a pet who is constantly traded for a better one."

by fruitbananas

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