Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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by emw995

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Here, Kitty Kitty!
The day I...

by ghostie_of_the_fc


The Chemistry of Neggs
"According to ancient science, ether is the material that fills the universe above the terrestrial sphere."

Also by cloonshannagh

by mellen48


Neopian Neophyte - Frogs!
Excuse me, there's nothing wrong with that!

by leedom111


Cater For Your Pet in the Month of Eating
Celebrating the Month of Eating is generally a cause for overindulgence, bulgy tummies and sugar overload. However studies show that letting your neopets take part in this yearly occurrence doesn't have to be a belly ache; choose the right foods and your pet could be on the way to setting up healthy habits for life!

by foxo11

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