Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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Random Oddness: April Fools

by mistyqee

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Great stories!


In Search of Kero
"I was just wondering... if you'd seen a blue Scorchio? Youngish, a warrior, goes by the name of Kero."

by ralph89170


An April Fools Addict
It's very funny but three hundred and sixty-four days of the year (and an extra one on leap years) I'm a very sensible, ordinary person.

by aifricr


Infinity: Part Five
Lumin let out a deep sigh, trying to keep his composure. Nothing like that had ever happened before. Once a Firefly started to glow, they stayed that way all their life. Suddenly losing their glow was unthinkable.

by blueys45


i still dont know what to name this comic...
in which i failo shade a comic

by laser_fire

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