Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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Sibling Rivalry: Don't Eat The Babies

by strawberry_honey

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Poetry Competition: What To and What Not To Do
Even if you don't care about trophies, there is reason to win this contest! What is this reason? The spectacular prizes!

by aquaticblumaroo


Things Best Remembered: Part Two
"Atlanta, the Guardian was tricking you. Remember, manipulation is their specialty. Do not believe what it said."

by chimie119


Do we Really Need Toothpaste?
Some species are easy; Lupes and Xweetoks have fur, Pteris have feathers, etc. But I, myself, am a Blumaroo. Do I have skin, like the kind seen on our owners? Do I have a fine layer of hair covering my body? Or is it fur?

by shoobydala


Muckla goes to school #3

by lovisa966

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