Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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Act Naturally

by cityofcolor

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Order of Four: Part Eleven
"The diamond shard is heavily warded," the Seer hissed beside me. "You are the only one who can break the wards and enter."

by jokerhahaazzz


I am so sick of it.

by emw995


Stealing Stones: Part Seven
There! A streak of black and white against the blue sky. Whoever it was, they were already dropping back to street level.

Fredrick madly scrambled across the rooftops...

by herdygerdy


Things Best Remembered: Part Two
"Atlanta, the Guardian was tricking you. Remember, manipulation is their specialty. Do not believe what it said."

by chimie119

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