Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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Appearances Can Be Deceiving!

by whitesnowickle

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Food Shop Fun: Spooky Food
This time, I'm on my way to the Haunted Woods to try some eerie edibles.

by lord_of_fantasy


Infinity: Part Six
Lumin was in the middle of a city-wide rebellion. So many Fireflies fought against him now. But as he listened to what the Royal Guards had to say, he realized that even then he still had allies...

by blueys45


A Legend Begins Again: Part Two
Bloodhook turned on him a second time and swung at him, but Garin blocked this strike by instinct. Bloodhook chuckled.

by medit92


Maemo and Vrai’s Negg Hunt
"No problem," Maemocala responded with a happy lilt, "Vrai and I were dying for a reason to go ourselves!" She fussed happily with Meephog's soft, pastel ears as she spoke.

by teaspill

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