Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,095,912 Issue: 539 | 6th day of Eating, Y14
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The Chemistry of Neggs

by mellen48

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Maraquan Moments
It took nearly two weeks for her to be satisfied with any of the zaps.

by sugarsquare


Neo Items #3 - Economy Jelly Beans
Aw, beans...

by jemima_kitty24


A Precious Gem: Part One
Oh, we wrote at first, friends always do—but the letters became fewer and farther between, until they ceased altogether.

by patt788


Maemo and Vrai’s Negg Hunt
"No problem," Maemocala responded with a happy lilt, "Vrai and I were dying for a reason to go ourselves!" She fussed happily with Meephog's soft, pastel ears as she spoke.

by teaspill

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