Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 187,658,734 Issue: 524 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y13
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by thunderlight314

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The Unsuspected Treasure
Phileus was sailing alone in his little ship a short distance from the shore. A scowl was etched in his face as if in stone, and he certainly was not happy, nor was he in harmony with anything...

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A Bob's Day
It's not a good thing to be a punchbag.

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The Case of the Pilfered Painting
"No! It can't be!" she cried in a hoarse whisper. "Fyora forbid, my lovely painting – it's gone!"

by nafisa_s_rasul


Child of the Drenched: Intrigue in Faerieland - Part One
"Seriously, why do you both have to go?" Garin was complaining. "My first mate and my sorceress at once, the ship is practically begging to be attacked by other pirates."

by kristykimmy

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