Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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The Pet Patrol Revolution - Monotony

by neo_tomi

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Major Malfunction #16
Woo! Woo!

by moonxtal


Anagrams vs. Crosswords
Bandaged hands aren't good for anybody...

by petitewyvern


Neopets TCG: What You Won't Find in Booster Packs
SO what else is there? There's plenty of other cards, and I'll tell you why you should or shouldn't use these cards in your deck. The cards I'll be looking at today are the cards you won't find in any booster packs.

by slickninja


Amy's Troup
"A Very Convincing Aisha"

by ambika456

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