The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 187,193,206 Issue: 516 | 14th day of Collecting, Y13
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The Floating Islanders - Sekrat the Thief pt 3

by yankeesrule244444456

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Techopalooza: Clothes
Thank goodness we don't have enough NC for that.

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


Guide to the Neopian Pound Board
If you've ever clicked on the Neopian Pound Board, you might have been a little overwhelmed with what you saw. The board moves a million miles per minute.

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Searching for the Forgotten Shore
"Where do we need to go?" my owner asked.

I grinned and said firmly, "Krawk Island."

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Kadoatie Tails - Home Security
Reason #27

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