The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 186,992,754 Issue: 513 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y13
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by fariy287

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The Truth About the Grundo Plushie of Prosperity
Don't you just love that Plushie?!

by 76monkeysflying


Another Ill-Fated Faerie Festival
"Canceling the Festival would just send the message that we are too scared to face evil, and then what would happen to our reputation?"

by mystie06


Torch in the Darkness: Part Seven
"What are you saying, Azra? Nobody's ever just stumbled across Shadow! This place is practically cut off from the rest of the world!"

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998


Better than Scones: Return of the Black Pawkeet - Part Three
Alexa clung to the driftwood, coughing and spluttering foul saltwater everywhere. She was soaked to the skin and miserable...

by scribe1020

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