A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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Getting that Avatar

by toffeedatepudding

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Cerena's Song 2: The Amulet's Curse - Part Six
I wonder if Cerena knows what had happened when she was only a baby, if she knows that this wicked old Acara is the cause of everything wrong in her life.

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Herald of Darkness: Part Two
Today, the Court was filled to the brim with almost two hundred faeries sitting on the golden benches.

by treihaven


The Roomies Ruin: Part Seven
Jhuidah, I couldn't get them off Faerieland, any of them.

by vanessa1357924680


Neo Events - 500th issue
I've baked a cake to celebrate!

by ilovepuppies31

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