Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 185,748,728 Issue: 500 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y13
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Blah Blah -500 Issue Special-

by highwind20

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Tales From Number Five: Legend of the Three
Most know him as the crazy Lupe who rants about a place called Jelly World, but he has seen many things in his long existence.

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The Last Days of the Citadel: Part Four
The Lord of Darigan Citadel laughed.

"As lord, I do have my secrets, which I would rather not share. However..."

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The Last Copy of the 500th Issue
Something horrible has happened, dear Neopians! The white little Weewoo needs your help. Let me explain what happened.

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by petitehirondelline


So You Finished Writing, Now What?
Three things to target when editing your writing.

by dragonlover8560

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