Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 185,375,383 Issue: 496 | 27th day of Hunting, Y13
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The Excuse

by skapandi

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The 404: Part Four
The others begged me (despite the consensus originally being that it was rude) to not tell Sloth when the concert was, but I refused.

by fuzzymonkey31


Shades and Hues 24
Meet the Family pt. 5/11 – The Emo Usuki has nothing on this guy...

by mstr_dark


Lost "Dessert"
A Lost Desert fan takes the love for his team a little too far...

Also by barir644

by tohkano


A Day At The Lab
You'll change into something AMAZING!

Idea by oceanologist

by glitterrpop

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