teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 185,143,242 Issue: 493 | 6th day of Hunting, Y13
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Super Freak

by chikenpeasoup

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A Speech for Pin
I never thought the day would come when I would be ashamed of my sister, but it has.

by warriorsrock965


Interview with Nereid, the Water Faerie
There she is! That’s her, Nereid. Wow! It’s so rare to actually see her.

by stipey33


The Squire and the Scholar: Part Five
She remembered how she'd felt as she watched Jeran waving goodbye to her. She'd been so proud of doing something without his help...

by saphira_27


A Little BIT Obsessed
New 8-Bit Chombies don't seem to understand what all the hubbub is all about. They're flippin' cool!

Concept by brahski

by umbreon133

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