Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 0 Issue: 491 | 22nd day of Eating, Y13
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Beyond Random III

by supercheezee

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The Remnant: Part Nine
It was a cold, rainy day in Knightfield, but it was the day nonetheless of Cecilia Lockwood's departure...

by jokerhahaazzz


The Knowledge: Part One
There are several things that are unavoidable in life.

by herdygerdy


Just Don't Ask - Kass Basher (Part 1)
AAA thinks he's good, does he?

by raynbow_light


The Negg Faerie's Apprentice
Much to my surprise, it wasn't Kari I found manning the Neggery one fine afternoon in the month of Eating, but a new, younger faerie I had never seen before.

by phadalusfish

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