Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 184,543,350 Issue: 485 | 11th day of Running, Y13
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Logical Nonsense - (shaking)

by anime_kitten714

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The Foolish Zafara
Many days after Faerieland fell and the day was saved by great heroes, three faeries were flying low over the land near Neopia Central.

by berry_blast


Talk About Blah Blah II
It's a Haunt Of Howl Hall spoof! Run for the hills. D8

by highwind20


The Roleplay Cafe
Conclusion to issue 464's hypothesis: Yes. I HAVE raised my pets incorrectly.

by purrfect_cookie


Any Job Will Do - Part 03
Anything's safer than Dr. Frank Sloth...

by crainwater

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