Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 184,543,350 Issue: 485 | 11th day of Running, Y13
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Talk About Blah Blah II

by highwind20

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A Novel Ending
His original intention had been to kill off the fearless hero, Rex Flynn; however, the plan was very quickly curtailed by Agatha...

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The Little Cabbage
Pteris are singing outside the window; it truly is paradise, owning real estate on the beach of Mystery Island.

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To Beat, or Not to Beat AAA? That is the Question
We have all been there, that fateful moment when the one game you've neglected all this time ends up on the Daily Dare home page and the score looks high.

by fallingfaries


Spring Cleaning: The Inevitable
It happens to the best of us.

by astrologists

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