The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 184,543,350 Issue: 485 | 11th day of Running, Y13
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Off the Page: Xandra's Glasses

by supercomputer276

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How to be Annoying
Uh, be careful with that...

by smellsomebeans


Neopian Antics #9: Too Hot to Handle
There should be a warning label on this soup.

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A Guide to the Gross
At last, someone has braved the world of gross foods to bring you the top 10 best (and worst) gross foods in Neopia.

by iloveharrypotter8989


Six Names, Six Lives, Six Owners, One Terrible Tale: Part Six
In some ways, that particular visit to the pound was worse than any others, and in some ways it was better.

by ilovcanis

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