For an easier life Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Something Has Happened

by tdyans

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Roy and Dramonti
Maybe you should be happy for your friends...

by dralora


How Not To Get Tangled In Your Own Webs
Well, I guess you were expecting a guide of some sort, so I'll guess I'll jump right to it. I'll also have Webber, my Snow Spyder to help me with this...

by chia625_2001


Major Malfunction #16
Woo! Woo!

by moonxtal


Mika and Carassa: The Igloo Garage Sale Proprietors
Mika and Carassa, the cute little igloo Chias. Perhaps the most famous Chias in the whole of Neopia. They even have a game modeled after their business. But are they deserving of this honor?

by culumbus_kat2

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