Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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The Chronicles of Rohane: When Rohane Met Mipsy

by ledsrevenge2

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Happiness Faerie: Is She Really Happy?
In our hearts, Slothamanda (Happiness Faerie) Will love us all and will continue to unconditionally.

by rougegirl99


I Thought You Were the Normal One!
Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful...

by kuroneka_sama


Pteri Ptactics
Deep in the heart of Tyrannia, thousands of Pteris make their fight up the canyon with evil Pterodactyls and Grarrls doing everything in their power to stop them. What is a poor green Pteri to do? Shoot them down of course.

by cyanna_of_settamoor


What REALLY Goes On Inside the NT Submission Form
"Hello Miss," said the Zafara, waving at Rachel. "I'm Nigel Randonon. Would you like to buy some of my Juppie Juice Ink? It's not real juice, it just smells like it! All your friends will love receiving letters from you!"

by jesse12_3

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