Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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Lab Uh-Oh

by remyy

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Baby Space Fungus
I heard him approach, pause for only a second before, and declare, "I think you missed some."

by spiderxmonkey


The Usuki Singing Stars #2: A Surprise for Lola - Part Four
"There is no way I'm going to the Pound with you guys," she assured them. "I am so not going to see Mr. Freaky and actually stay there for you, Lola, just because you can't suck in your girly feelings."

by downrightdude


The Off Season: Interview
"Come on! Don't you know how much these suits cost?"

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


The Case of the Missing Eye: Part Three
I had five suspects, with separate motives and opportunities.

by patt788

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