Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 180,823,044 Issue: 450 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y12
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The Floating Islanders: Tarla

by yankeesrule244444456

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Food for All- Dish #12
He'll be fine.

by maiinoki


45 Things You Should Do in Your Neopian Lifetime
I would have done 450, but let's face it; by the time I had finished listing them all, the 450th issue would have probably have been long gone.

by wildwindtornado


The Kacheek Club: An Anniversary Adventure - Part One
"Oh yeah, I remember! It all started that day when Bridgette moved here from Faerieland."

by jenlin_25


HOOPLA!!! A comic crossover!
YOU DID WHAT??!!! Pets owned by _pokemon12_63

by chibino

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