Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 179,788,606 Issue: 445 | 28th day of Hunting, Y12
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Completely Smart

by ms_meepit

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The Adventure Before Dinner: Part One
There are no wise magicians and no great pancake recipes, and the villain is anything but clever.

by umbreon54399


A Guide to Eating Jelly Blobs of Doom
This guide is written purely for those who believe that a world made of Jelly exists, which is a myth.

by pikakirby123


The Cove
What am I going to do now? he thought as he surveyed Krawk Island...

by machupichu25309


Meepits vs Feepits... Vs Dr. Sloth: Part Six
"Leader George, Leader Helga, I brought the uh, pot of geraniums you ordered!"

Also by shirahli

by orlando_bloom_bigfan

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