Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 181,285,215 Issue: 442 | 7th day of Hunting, Y12
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Searching for Tarla

by opentaniec

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From a Rock to a Hard Place: Part One
"Some higher force wants us to have this new, better place!" he always claimed. "Why should we try to escape it?"

by ellbot1998


How Ellamave Joined The Family
"Oh no, hang on, I'm coming!" the Ixi yelled as she darted up the hill leading to the cliff.

by starry_pride


The Conspiracy: Part One
"I will attempt to reconcile myself to the idea that I may not always be perfection itself..."

by jokerhahaazzz


Snow Wars II: No Longer Insurmountable
How to properly conquer Snow Wars II. Prepare yourselves, because we're starting from the very beginning!

by unstock

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