White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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Food for All- Dish #3

by maiinoki

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Throwing an Illusen Day Party
Throw a party for Illusen Day!

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The Unlucky One: Part Five
"Well?" Racon tapped impatiently on the counter. "What does it say?"

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Feeling "Freaked" About the Top 50? Don't Fret!
Basically you move a small "bat" along the bottom of the screen left and right in order to keep a ball bouncing so that it can break all of the blocks in the current level.

by sk8zac


Say... CHEESE!
...and he thinks he's the cool guy. x3

by maryboszy

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