A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 176,895,792 Issue: 423 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y11
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Starry Stuff Christmas Issue

by marilltachiquin

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The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements - Part Four
As the two of them took a couple steps into their secret place, Blaze sensed a strange and different atmosphere. Sure, it was quiet; it was always quiet here. Yet, something was off...

by bluehamster9981


Christmas Spirit
I know exactly what to give you...

Also by place

by newtgrlbutigotbetter


Remembering Hope
In Altador, the first snowflake is always special.

by grapesourhorse


The Zanuxar & Puknot Show
Light up your Christmas dinner with a cup of hot borovan, a plate of spicy food, a fire pet and a bad joke. :D

by wingsofathena

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