A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 177,350,918 Issue: 426 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Islander Tails ~ A Day at the Haunted Woods

by augiboo7

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TN: Boom!
Hmm. Maybe we should leave that in the Games room...

by sk8tr_princezz


The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements - Part Seven
As Blaze's eyes drifted shut, he heard his sister whisper, "Please, Blaze... do what your heart believes in."

by bluehamster9981


I Speak Well, How 'Bout Chu?
Inspired by this vernacular surrounding me every moment, and a special article :D

by givemeapicklemann


The Gift of Winter: Part Four
The first Aisha narrowed her eyes. "We would like to ask you about the Draik your servant has."

by cheeseworld101

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