A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 188,131,375 Issue: 425 | 8th day of Sleeping, Y12
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Sayings from Fortune Cookies

by proudpony

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In the Neopian Pound
She huddled in the corner of her cage (and it was a cage, albeit a comfortable one, no matter what anyone said), barely even glancing at the crowds of people making their way through the corridor outside.

by pokewomon


Irregular Bane: Part Five
"I'm warning you, Bane, quit it or I'll send you back to the Pound."

Art by saro_the_legendaerie

by saro_the_legendaerie


A Nerd, a Dork, and a Geek
This always happens...

by almightywebmistress


The Flavour of Thunder
Rufe loved how the air tasted when a really serious storm was brewing. It tasted like burnt popcorn – of excitement, and freedom, and the wild abandon of thunder rolling over the skies.

by mubris

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