Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 174,878,201 Issue: 412 | 2nd day of Collecting, Y11
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Say What?: Turm-ination part 2 of 3

by deleted_milk

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White Coat
The "inner" values...

by blaumann


The Neopian Food Review: Tyrannian Foods
Possibly the nastiest review yet.

by mrpanda1


Fabulous Fashions - Dress for School Success!
Now that school is starting up again, it's time to think of some stylish pants, skirts, tops, and shoes, oh my! After all, we can't go to class in our pajamas and definitely not in last year's fashions.

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by sk8brdrme


Evil Overlord Fire vs. Neopian Hero Sky
You probably know me as Fire... The Fierce... The Dangerous... The Future Overlord of the Universe... and let us not forget: The Dashingly Handsome!

Also by mineismine99

by kreepyjess

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