A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 178,230,078 Issue: 407 | 28th day of Hiding, Y11
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Suuuper Coooperz

by pocopooh

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Slimy Slobbering Slorgs in Space: The Game Guide
It makes you wonder what those slorgs are up to, beyond looking cute and snarfing Kreludor's food supply.

by you_are_my_happiness


The Baby Sitter
You seriously don't know!?

by kressie647


Shattered Sunlight: Part Four
I just want the world to be a more ordered place than it is right now. Can any of you argue with that? ~ Lord Franklin Sloth

PS – I have Fyora

by kittengriffin


Loom of Ceiling Land
Things really did look much more interesting, Loom decided, when you were standing on the ceiling.

by kenophobiaa

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