Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 171,601,943 Issue: 397 | 19th day of Relaxing, Y11
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by sorrl111

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Dark Faerie Bubbles: If You Cut Them, Do They Bleed?
Where did these bubbles come from? What do they do outside of the games room? Are they, indeed, evil?

by darthtingle


Don't Be a Buzzkill
Note to self...

by can_i_get_frozen


The Broken Soul: Promises and War - Part Three
Two more arrows lodged into the side of the carriage, and the third must have narrowly missed the guards driving, because an indignant yelp came from outside...

by ayame_23


Faeries: Before the Fame - Part Four
The Light Faerie looked miserable, as if she had spent the last few hours weeping. "Celeste, I'm worried about Zoë," she stated gravely.

by a_greenparrot

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