Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 170,869,764 Issue: 395 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y11
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by skypupgoddess

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Great stories!


Petpet Cannonball: Don't hurt the Petpets!
Petpet Cannonball is a one-player game, designed for you to shoot helpless little petpets through a bottomless bucket, down the tarp to safety!

by midnight951


The Cost of Loyalty: Part Two
Fyora had voluntarily left to fight Terask on her own, ordering me to stay behind and wait for her.

But she never came.

by precious_katuch14


One Fish, Two Fish
Best. Neomall item. Ever.

by fish_puddle


Whistles, Cheering, and Slushies
The Altador Cup is the biggest event in Neopia, so I thought I’d interview a few Neopians who work long hours just to keep the Altador Cup enjoyable for everyone.

by kittykatluver4ever

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