teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 180,846,367 Issue: 386 | 3rd day of Eating, Y11
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Pet Kicks Club

by gelert548

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Great stories!


Goldrun: A Petpet Rescue! - Part Two
"Have you seen anything in here that might lead us to the culprit?"

The Mynci's eyes widened...

by tanyawebber


I remember when I atea loafa breada day...

by d0rm0use


Return of the Crimson Witch: Part Four
Aside from Henry and the witches, time appeared to have ground to a halt. "That's powerful magic," Morguss observed.

by herdygerdy


Somewhat Presentable - Graveyards
Based on actual Mutant Graveyard of Doom 2 events.

by crk524

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