Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 190,984,555 Issue: 384 | 20th day of Running, Y11
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When building a house...

by siddiemeo

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The First Taste of Meridell
For the past ten years, my daily schedule had never been altered.

by tanyawebber


The Joys of a Robotic Neopet
I've made it my mission to educate the population of Neopia on the real qualities of Robot Neopets, to prove that they are pets worth owning.

by jayo289


A Kettle and a Cackle: Part Two
I was now a Bartamus named River. What an odd combination. Flexing my wings, I lifted myself off the ground and flew swiftly out the window.

by semicutie3


Kite Strings
A young Kacheek finds out the simplest way to Kreludor.

by 1cecubeh

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