teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 174,865,293 Issue: 379 | 13th day of Awakening, Y11
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Happy Valentines Day!

by shukaku13

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Welcome To My Life
What was I like?

by jambammer


An Unforgettable Valentine's Day Party
Viktor's heart jumped to his throat as he realized how grave this was. If this really was blurred vision, then there was no way he could go to the party...

by dragonoftheseas2


Diary of a Kadoatie
I stare out through the bars of my cage. Out there, there are petpets milling about contentedly with their owners...

by ginny_invisible


A Valentine's Surprise
"We only have two days!" she said. "It's Valentine's Day AND our sister's birthday in two days. And we haven't done anything."

by maltese51191

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