Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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The "Cool" Christmas

by hotsid123

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Day of Giving Presents
Remember - gifts are important, choose the right ones!

by tiquandowitch


Letters for Lia
"Oh, get in the spirit, Val." Lia stuck the card onto the gift box. "Though it is kind of hard to get in the Winter spirit in this dreadful weather."

by kattrish


The Advent Calendar: Exposing the Truth
Who is behind this operation? Who has the money to buy the paint brushes? Who has the innovative ability to create two new items a day?

by bball6578


5 Cool Things To Do With Your Christmas Paint Brush
After you stop hyperventilating over this fabulous gift, you may ask yourself, what should I do with it now?

by imneokidd494

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