A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 175,300,946 Issue: 363 | 10th day of Collecting, Y10
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One Fish, Two Fish

by fish_puddle

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Bogshot: The (Somewhat) Forgotten Swamp
Bogshot IS a swamp, but it also has a village by the same name. It's a nice place, I swear! The locals are quite friendly.

by jubub33


The Perfect Negg
After chucking their slushies in a nearby bin, Aimee and Crystal arrived at the Neggery. They smiled and said hello to the Negg Faerie...

by userplay6088


Woes #5 - Thievery
Slorgs make bad sidekicks.

by fire_princess433


Not All There
How can he do it, anyways?

by battlestar

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