teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 177,714,884 Issue: 360 | 19th day of Gathering, Y10
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Oh Look! A Penny!

by hoaxion

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Delicious Debating or How To Win Your Argument
Imagine you're on your favourite board, posting happily away when suddenly someone else challenges you. They might say you’re a "n00b" or that your account is too young for you to have a clue about anything.

by quaste


Greatclaw: Part One
The Draik glanced around him. He turned his head towards the guards riding behind him. "We must hurry. We must get to Brightvale before the sun rises."

by kaylamdal111112


Falling Rain: Part One
High above this Citadel— his Citadel— General Kass was watching. The new moon had risen. And with it, a new dawn must always follow.

by mutedsanity


The Academy of Fun, Adventure, and World Domination
"Never mind!" Apoc yelled. "I'm going to open a training school for pets that want to take over the world! I'll call it 'The Academy of Fun, Adventure and World Domination'!"

by mystery_island111223

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