Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 186,904,163 Issue: 171 | 31st day of Celebrating, Y6
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An Explosive New Year!

by jusygo

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Rhyming Disease
Tree_Dirt, my Ixi, had been…ill…for quite some time, now. I had tried everything from the Healing Faerie to random potions, but nothing had worked. You see, like I said, Dirt didn't have anything like I had ever seen before...

by tree_rhymer


Hearts of Destiny: The Beginning - Part Two
Keiko and the three thieves headed out of Meridell, heading southwest towards the Haunted Woods. That was where her spies had last spotted the two thieves, and she didn't want to loose them...

by nighthawk_moonshadow


Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Four
"We are getting NOWHERE. You see that small yellow square in the distance? That's Balthazar's house. It's less than 150 meters away and anyone can run that far in a minute," he snapped. "Some guide," he added, muttering, and flashed dark looks at Nara.

by diamond_rox


Disco Fever
Ivy was a disco-painted Ixi that lived on the island. From the moment Neil saw her, he thought she was the prettiest Neopet in all Neopia. They had become good friends, but Neil always felt very shy around her.

by bitsy_dj

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