A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,958,008 Issue: 352 | 24th day of Swimming, Y10
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Oonu Comikku

by oonu391

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The Golden Globes of Light: Part Eight
When we arrived, we found the place a complete mess. Apparently, it had been raided by the wizards of the Mountain Fortress...

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It is soo hard to accessorize!

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Eye Liner Or Hair Dye? Life As A Neopian Goth
It seems that you haven't found your calling in life. It seems that the sun is simply too potent for your inner child of darkness.

by iamskot


Disaster at the Faerie Festival
This year, though, a new faerie was going to arise for hostess. Terror Mountain's favorite Snow Faerie Taelia had decided to take up the task!

by xinnocenceagainx

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