Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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No Squishy!

by sunstone_fire

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In-Depth Guide to Training Your Neopet
How do these players get stats so high? How do they beat you with weapons that never worked for you? This guide to training your pet should help a bit :)

by scalibur777


Midwinter War: Part Four
He had to get out of the open field! The Scorchio ran towards the forest, hoping to be safer there. He quickly flew up and sat on a tree branch. As more of those scary pets arrived, Charmond realized he had forgotten his metal shield on the ground...

by shadowcristal


The Wand of Supernova: Part Two
"Come on, Frosty," she told her petpet, "we're just going to wing it. I can't make heads or tails of this map, so we're just going to ask around... and see what we find."

by lavender_summer


Judgment: Part One
Memory filled the room, if the room had not been so empty, the memories would have been lost in the clamor of everyday life, but because there was so little, even the most transparent of thoughts filled it with vivid pictures...

by orginalcliche

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